Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sleep. Where are you? I didn't sleep last night and I ended up sleeping in until ten, and then at eleven taking a nap that lasted until 1:30. Needless to say, I did nothing productive.
Now it's looking like I'm going to have one of those days again. It's 12:50 and I just crawled out of bed. I'd been trying to sleep since 10:30 with no luck. Now I'm drinking hot chocolate and eating a roll.

Anyway, we had a doctor's appointment today. I am dilated to a 2 and 25% effaced. The doctor said that now that I'm 37 weeks, the baby could come any time and that it is really hard to predict. He did, however, say at the end of our appointment, "Ok, see you next week - if you haven't had the baby by then." Which got my hopes up - a ton! It was just a minute earlier he mentioned induction if the baby isn't here by 41 weeks. So really, who knows. But having a baby this week sounds a lot more fun than being pregnant for another three, so that's my plan. We'll see what the baby has in mind.
And I'm off to bed.
Maybe if I still can't sleep later I'll come back and finish the story about Annyong that I left so abruptly last time.

1 comment:

  1. The three or so nights before I had Creighton I couldn't sleep. I was awake 24/7 and was so ready for him and then it finally happened after three days and nights of no sleep. My point is that maybe you will be like I was and have your baby after a couple nights of no sleep! :) Enjoy every minute of having your baby...it is the best!

