Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things I Love Today

It's 8:54 and so far I've had a very productive, very good morning.

Here are some things I love today:

Blake, who is at work right now working away for our cute little family and who I get to go to Salt Lake with today.
Annyong, the dog, who is outside enjoying the nice sunshine laying on our deck.
The nice sunshiney spring weather.
Our cute house, the bedroom that's being repainted, the front lawn that just got mowed, and the sprinkler system being put in back.
Our awesome, quarter acre, rectangle yard that is the ultimate yard for fetch for a dog. (Annyong loves fetch.) (Blake can throw a tennis ball all the way to the end.)
Our freezer full of strange meat packaged in butcher paper that I got from my grandma. We're testing some out today.
The thing we bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond with all the spices. It sure came in handy this morning when I needed some Marjoram. I totally had it. In fact, I had that, Basil, Oregano, and Thyme which I'm pretty sure I would not have bought yet as I do not use them often.
I love the website I found yesterday that takes me step by step through food storage and 72- hour kits. If you're interested it's It's great.
My iPod that Blake bought me for my birthday and for all the good music he introduced me to, and for the awesome round of songs from shuffle all that have played this morning
Today, I love my baby. Today is the first day I feel pregnant instead of sick. There's a nice distinction there. I love that I am five weeks shy of knowing boy or girl and five weeks shy from halfway done.

There are many more. Weare pretty spoiled around here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you to find out whether you are having a boy or girl. That is a great of my favorites (second to labor and holding my sweet little newborn). I am jealous of your house and yard. I know, I know...thou shalt not covet. I am still working on that commandment. I just have to tell you that you radiate joy and, even more so, you radiate the Spirit. You are an incredible person and I look up to a great deal.
    (Oh...I am also jealous that you are getting your food storage. I have some, but I can't get it all until I know whether we are moving or not (and if we are moving, where we are moving to). I do not want to use an entire moving truck just to move my food storage, so I think waiting a few months might be best...but how I would love to buy it all right now. It gives such a sense of peace.)

    One more thing...I lost your phone number. I will email mine or if you will email your phone number; I would love to talk to you and catch up.
